The Medium Gap: Older or Newer New Stamp?

You chose the medium gap. Unfortunately Bill Hartrick hasn't explicitly defined just when the size of the gap passes from smaller to larger. And to make things less certain again, he mentions that the gap is "usually" or "more often" different. So we may be dealing with a statistical relationship but we have no idea of the number of New Stamp cymbals examined, how they were independently dated, and what the distribution of smaller and larger gaps actually is. Until we know the strength of evidence for this distinction I can't say how well this works.

Image: Is this gap Large or Small?


The above cymbal is one which the seller claims was a wedding present in 1968. It should be an Older New Stamp and a small gap given the year, and based on about 20 comparisons I've made, it does seem to be a smaller gap. So it looks like perhaps the definition of "small" is that the gap between the Arabic and the English is about the same size as the height of the block of English. On the other hand, this interpretation does not seem consistent with the two illustrations in Bill's two page summary in Rob Cook, The Gretch Drum Book, Rebeats Publications, 2013.

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text stabilized 12 Mar 2017 4:05 PM
last updated 13 Mar 2017 4:38 PM

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