Geoffrey A. Charters MSc (Hons) PhD (Pathology)
Molecular oncopathologist
After graduating with a double-major BSc degree from the University of Auckland, Mr Charters worked for over a decade at the leading edge of industrial process control software engineering in New Zealand. During this time, his existing fascination with molecular biology and genetics developed further, particularly as it related to the cell cycle and the origins of cancer. When opportunity presented itself, he returned to the University of Auckland to undertake formal studies in this field, ultimately receiving his doctorate in 2008.
His particular interests are the molecular mechanisms underpinning cell cycle checkpoints, the regulation of centrosome duplication, and the synchronisation of these.
Dr Charters succumbed to Pancreatic Cancer in May 2014 and this web site has been preserved as a memorial.
Centrosomal numerical dysregulation in human metastatic melanoma
This fluorescence microscopy image depicts in spectacular fashion the centrosomal numerical dysregulation found by Dr Charters. It shows a giant, multinuclear, interphase melanoma cell that contains at least 18 centrosomes (visible as orange points), rather than either one or two, the only numbers present in virtually all normal animal cells. A second cell with more normal morphology can be seen to be binucleate and contain a cluster of four centrosomes.
Centrosomal numerical dysregulation leads with near certainty to incorrect partitioning of the genome during cell division, and so engenders ongoing genetic and phenotypic diversity among descendent cells. In this way, it may account for the origin and rapid development of melanoma, and also, for its notorious resistance to systemic therapy once metastasised.
This image, entitled "Constellation", received the 2006 Biomedical Imaging Research Unit prize for the best light microscopy image and the trophy for best image overall.
This section.
Here may be found a current curriculum vitae for Dr Charters, viewable directly from the site, and also available as a downloadable PDF file for printing.
While the CV answers the questions "What?, "Where?", and "When?", it does not provide any insight into the "Why" and "How" of his career progression. These are addressed in a biography covering the period from his entry to university to the present.
In particular, this section contains a narrative describing the progress of his PhD research, and PDF files can be accessed from here that contain excerpts from his thesis structured as independent reviews of the molecular biology underlying aspects of his work. A PDF file of the thesis in its entirety is also available, although it is rather large at nearly 60 Mbytes.
Here, Dr Charters tries to address the question that still remains, that of "Who?", by giving details of his interests and activities beyond those of cancer research. These are illustrated with examples of his photographic work.
Details of different channels for communication with Dr Charters are given here.
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Except where specifically noted, all material provided in or via this site is the intellectual property of Dr Charters and he asserts and reserves all legal and moral rights applicable to it. This material is protected by copyright, and while fair use for the purposes of review, or personal study is permitted, more extensive use requires prior permission from Dr Charters. Where this is for academic or research purposes of a non-commercial nature, and the work used is fully attributed, permission is likely to be granted freely. Permission is granted to print the PDF file containing his curriculum vitae where this is intended to facilitate his placement into a suitable postdoctoral position.
This website should be cited as "Dr Geoffrey A. Charters (", and his PhD thesis or excerpts from it as "Charters, Geoffrey A., Human Metastatic Melanoma In Vitro (3ed), Ph.D Thesis, The University of Auckland (2007)", or the equivalent.